>> Creditreform - Data Storage << 1989
Drawings and protest letters against data storage by "Creditreform - Business Information" without my personal consent. 

The Time No. 51, December 12, 2013
Attack on the Digital Empire
.... “560 authors from 83 countries, including some Nobel laureates, protest against global mass surveillance – and they do so with very concrete demands. Every citizen must have the right to decide the extent to which their personal data is collected, stored, and processed, and by whom. ... A binding International Convention on Digital Rights.”

>> CR-Branko Smon Data Storage according to § 34 para. 1 <<

>> CR-Branko Smon - Data Suction, August 23, 1989 <<

>> CR - Confidential - Mr. Branko Smon, Data Storage, Request for Correction << August 25, 1989

>> CR-Branko Smon, Data Storage, Credit Rating Index 244 << August 25, 1989