>> Sky in Sight – Land in Sight << 1992
Art Foundation Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart
Telescopes made of steel, rubber, speakers, texts, drawings
Art Foundation Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart
Telescopes made of steel, rubber, speakers, texts, drawings

>> Sky in Sight – Land in Sight << 1992
On the occasion of the 500th anniversary of the discovery of America, the installation was set up at the Art Foundation Baden-Württemberg in Stuttgart. On August 19, 1992, at 7:30 PM, actor Peter D. Hoffmann recited texts for the celebration.
On the occasion of the 500th anniversary of the discovery of America, the installation was set up at the Art Foundation Baden-Württemberg in Stuttgart. On August 19, 1992, at 7:30 PM, actor Peter D. Hoffmann recited texts for the celebration.
Time of Retrospect
What we see in the sky is the past. Light that reaches Earth today from the star Sirius, 8.7 light-years away, is 8.7 years old. Light from the red star Antares, which is 520 light-years away, originates from the fifteenth century. We see the Andromeda Nebula as it was in the early days of Homo erectus, the galaxies of the Virgo Cluster as they were when coconut palms grew at the North Pole and terror cranes darkened the sky. The light from distant quasars began its journey to our telescopes before the Earth had even formed. Looking into space means looking back in time. History is recorded in the sky for those who wish to read it…
What we see in the sky is the past. Light that reaches Earth today from the star Sirius, 8.7 light-years away, is 8.7 years old. Light from the red star Antares, which is 520 light-years away, originates from the fifteenth century. We see the Andromeda Nebula as it was in the early days of Homo erectus, the galaxies of the Virgo Cluster as they were when coconut palms grew at the North Pole and terror cranes darkened the sky. The light from distant quasars began its journey to our telescopes before the Earth had even formed. Looking into space means looking back in time. History is recorded in the sky for those who wish to read it…
Quote from "Galaxies," Zweitausendeins Verlag, 1992
… They rushed among the people, sparing neither child nor elder, neither pregnant women nor those who had just given birth, tearing open their bodies and hacking everything to pieces, as if they were attacking a flock of sheep penned in a corral. They wagered among themselves who could cut a person in half with a single sword strike, split a head open with a pike, or tear the entrails from a body. They ripped newborns from their mothers' breasts by the feet and smashed their heads against the rocks. Others dragged them through the streets by the shoulders, laughing and joking, before finally throwing them into the water, saying: "Now struggle, you little wretched creature!" Others made both mother and child leap over the blade and kicked them forward with their feet …
Bartolomé de las Casas: *Historia general de las Indias*, 1598
… A young man in combat gear, designer sunglasses pushed into his fashionably cut hair, a cigarette
in his left hand and a Kalashnikov in his right, stomps on the skull of an old woman who was just shot.
Another empties his submachine gun magazine into the body of a wounded comrade lying in the street dust.
And yet another shoots a prisoner walking ahead of him in the back of the neck.
The opponents compete with each other using atrocity videos. Pregnant women with slit-open
The opponents compete with each other using atrocity videos. Pregnant women with slit-open
bellies, their fetuses nailed to trees, mutilated corpses with empty eye sockets and
severed genitals placed beside the carcasses of slaughtered pigs. Sometimes, photographic
documents are identical, yet each side attributes them to the other …
Der Spiegel, July 6, 1992, Yugoslavia's Tragedy